As a technology organization, we understand the importance of managing intellectual property. MagiQ has always been dedicated to building, acquiring, and protecting IP. MagiQ has 50 patents awarded and 62 applications filed or pending. Every member of our staff has experience in identifying patentable ideas and preparing and filing appropriate paperwork in a timely manner, as well as identifying potential conflicts and responding appropriately. With an IP lawyer on staff and management emphasis on growing and defending IP, we are well prepared to ensure that the outcomes of this research project will be able to develop safely and legitimately into commercial products to benefit MagiQ and its stakeholders.
We have a patent recently approved (application USSN 14/262089, reviewed and allowed pending fees and paperwork) protecting elements of our RLG architecture for use in a fast-light enhanced gyro. This IP was generated in a prior SBIR phase I contract, and we will file new patent applications as we generate IP expected to be valuable for the future.